Hybrid congress

The EHA2023 Congress maintained its hybrid format, offering both in-person attendance and live streaming options from June 8 to 11, 2023. Virtual sessions were held on June 14 and 15, ensuring accessibility and engagement beyond physical presence. There were more than
13,000 attendees. Presided over by Prof Elizabeth Macintyre and supervised by Prof Konstanze Döhner, Chair of the EHA2023 Scientific Program Committee (SPC), over 80% of registrants from 116 countries attended in person in Frankfurt.

Over 80 sponsors joined us in Frankfurt, offering multiple sponsored sessions. The 3.5-day scientific program brought together over 450 faculty and included plenary sessions with awards, education sessions, workshops, joint symposia, and more. Some 2,500 abstracts were submitted and more than 50 late-breaking abstracts complemented the oral sessions program and poster session.
There was an explicit focus in 2023 on implementing sustainable practices during the Congress and all participants were encouraged to make the EHA2023 Hybrid Congress as ‘green’ as possible.


Hybrid congress


Over 80 sponsors joined us in Frankfurt, offering multiple sponsored sessions. The 3.5-day scientific program brought together over 450 faculty and included plenary sessions with awards, education sessions, workshops, joint symposia, and more. Some 2,500 abstracts were submitted and more than 50 late-breaking abstracts complemented the oral sessions program and poster session.
There was an explicit focus in 2023 on implementing sustainable practices during the Congress and all participants were encouraged to make the EHA2023 Hybrid Congress as ‘green’ as possible.

The EHA2023 Congress maintained its hybrid format, offering both in-person attendance and live streaming options from June 8 to 11, 2023. Virtual sessions were held on June 14 and 15, ensuring accessibility and engagement beyond physical presence. There were more than
13,000 attendees. Presided over by Prof Elizabeth Macintyre and supervised by Prof Konstanze Döhner, Chair of the EHA2023 Scientific Program Committee (SPC), over 80% of registrants from 116 countries attended in person in Frankfurt.